Carbogrip is a synthetic resin for the assembly of carbon parts
Applied, it creates a grippy surface that promotes stability. It’s also great as threadlocker and to eliminate creaking in the bottom bracket area.
The perfect complement for Giustaforza torque wrench
Even a torque wrench like our Giustaforza is sometimes not enough when dealing with carbon components, especially if they do not stay tight despite having been clamped with the recommended torque values. Experience tells us that the shiny surface of some carbon parts might force us to exceed the maximum torque - with all risks associated - in order to keep that part in place. To avoid that scenario we created Carbogrip, a special high-molecular-weight silicon resin, spray or liquid: applied on a component, it creates a solid anti-slip layer.
How it works
When the clamping force is applied, the anti-slip layer of Carbogrip prevents the component from moving. On the other hand, when the clamping force is released, Carbogrip - thanks to its anti-seizing characteristics - allows an easy removal of the component.
Effective for a long time
With the passing of time and with repeated washing, some assembly components lose their properties. Not Carbogrip, because it creates a very stable and effective layer with the following features:
Many applications for Carbogrip
Originally created as a synthetic resin for assembly carbon components, since the very beginning Carbogrip has been a worthy ally for cycling mechanics, excelling in different applications:
How to use Carbogrip as an assembly compound
What’s inside (and what is not)
Carbogrip is a special high-molecular-weight silicone resin. It doesn’t scratch components because it doesn’t contain sand or hard friction powder.
Tips and tricks
Spray: if you do not use Carbogrip frequently (or forget to put the bottle cap after use) the resin could harden and block the nozzle. In that case, just remove the nozzle: a droplet of Carbomove (or another petrol-based solvent) inside it will restore its functionality.
Carbogrip is made in Italy